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September 15, 2020
Follow us @drrobertmitchelldds
September 10, 2020
Recovering from a cold? Make sure to sanitize your toothbrush! Soak it in antibacterial mouthwash, run under boiling water for 3 minutes, or even run it through the dishwasher for a deep clean!–DrAXQNKqtvinJmhJJM7rNSz1rFhCMYhb44D2zlhaskQgEzXtZMwf5tDWfVZJ2bi_2y99ZyFETfA3XLeBPBrCSYHl8ZgIJOfVLViDv0a3UBMtVXM-t0Xa6FYyviNYlyjH74T6fQwn2KcvNYXqCQVwetdnK-CeBwshglUjCBAfjCn5EghcyQqhHEPpgYZjX-XEaWWsak4hvl1JGUv9LCSBhQSio0dmfOchc0sHnCe6E0Xw&__tn__=EHH-R
March 15, 2020
Why It’s Never Too Late to Fix Your Smile… If you are self-conscious of the condition of your smile maybe Veneers are the solution? Call 972-233-1311 to set up a Complimentary Consult to see how we can help you transform your smile! Life is too short not to smile!
February 1, 2020
Did you know that, on average, 25% of adults don’t brush twice a day? Failing to do so increases their risk of tooth decay by 33%! In only four minutes a day, you can protect your teeth against decay. Healthy teeth, healthy smile.
January 1, 2020
Always wanted a smile that lights up a room? Let this year be your year! From general dentistry to more cosmetic procedures, we can give you a healthy, luminous smile that you’ll love. To schedule an appointment today, call (972) 233-1311 or visit:
December 8, 2019
Are your toothbrush bristles soft enough? Softer bristles are healthier for your tooth enamel.
October 8, 2019
A smile is a gift, so show it to the world! If you have chipped or misaligned teeth don’t hide them – in just one visit you can enjoy a beautiful new smile with cosmetic bonding! Schedule a complimentary consultation today! (972) 233-1311
September 8, 2019
Dental bonding is perfect for people who want to rejuvenate their smile because it looks like the original tooth and functions like it as well. Improve the appearance of your smile in just one visit! Learn more:…
Take time to nurture the mind, body, and spirit.