Tracie – Registered Dental Assistant
Tracie’s love of dentistry began in high school when she became a dental assistant and she has enjoyed her role as a Registered Dental Assistant for over 25 years. She enjoys taking care of patients and helping them feel at ease during dental procedures and she also enjoys teaching her patients good oral hygiene habits.
Tracie recently celebrated her 2 year anniversary with the practice and has been an exceptional addition to our team. Tracie’s calming demeanor and ability to make patients feel at ease during dental procedures has been complimented by numerous patients. Tracie is an invaluable assistant to Dr. Mitchell and as his “right hand man”; they both make a great team.

“High School Sweethearts” -Keith & Tracie
Tracie is originally from Carrollton, Texas and she still resides in Carrollton today. Tracie and her husband, Keith, were high school sweethearts. They raised their son in Carrollton and he attended the very same high school as his parents. Today their son Landry attends Texas State University and is a Manufacturing Engineering Major. Their son Landry is excelling in his Engineering pursuit, and they are VERY PROUD!
Tracie is blessed to have her family locally and enjoys being able to spend time with them as much as possible. Tracie and Keith enjoy cooking together and trying new recipes. How they spend most of their “Empty-nest” time is being outside, watching movies, listening to music, and barbecuing. One of their other favorite pastimes is vacationing at the beach and it is definitely time for them to discover new Caribbean beaches and continue their beach adventures!

Tracie’s son Landry recently made the Dean’s List for Engineering at Texas State

Tracie’s son Landry

We love the Beach! -Tracie

“Empty-Nester’s” enjoying a night out.